Withdrawal of all foreign military forces from African soil.


Africa, a continent with a rich tapestry of resources and diverse cultures, has been haunted by the remnants of colonialism, neocolonialism, and the violation of sovereignty. The presence of foreign military forces has perpetuated exploitation and hindered Africa’s progress towards unity. As The Communist Party Of Africa, we advocate for the urgent and comprehensive withdrawal of all foreign military forces from African soil. This objective is aimed at rectifying historical injustices, restoring African sovereignty, and fostering the unity and self-determination of Africa as one country.

Historical Context: Confronting the Legacy of Colonialism

The legacy of colonialism still reverberates throughout Africa, as European powers exploited the continent for economic and political gain. The military forces of nations like Britain, France,Germany and others played a central role in asserting dominance and perpetuating disparities. Example 1: British Troops in Kenya British troops continue to disguise their presence as training and security assistance to the Kenyan Government. However, this has masked their true intentions of resource extraction and economic exploitation, violating the sovereignty of Kenya and hindering its development. It is important to acknowledge that Kenya is a sovereign nation with a mission ready force capable of defending her borders and does not need foreign oversight in security affairs. Example 2: French Troops in West Africa French troops have maintained a significant presence in West Africa, including Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. This military intervention under the pretext of stability and counter terrorism operations has undermined self-determination and hindered the progress of these west African nations, impeding the unity of Africa.

Neocolonialism: Eradicating Exploitation in All Forms

Neocolonialism, a modern form of exploitation, continues to hinder Africa’s development and unity. The presence of foreign military forces enables economic exploitation and political interference, perpetuating dependency and undermining sovereignty.

Economic Exploitation and Resource Extraction

Foreign military forces often secure strategic resources without providing equitable benefits to the African population. This economic exploitation perpetuates poverty, hindering self-sustaining economies and exacerbating inequalities, further dividing Africa.

Political Interference and Governance

The influence of foreign military forces interferes with political processes and weakens governance structures. This interference undermines self-reliance, fosters instability, and exacerbates socio-economic inequalities, obstructing the path to a united Africa.

Upholding African Sovereignty: Nurturing Unity and Self-Determination

Sovereignty is a fundamental right of every nation, and Africa, as one country, must reclaim its sovereignty to shape its collective destiny. The presence of foreign military forces denies Africa the freedom to make independent decisions, hindering progress and perpetuating dependency, undermining the unity of the continent.

 1. Restoring Decision-Making Power

 Withdrawing foreign military forces empowers Africa to regain control over its security, defense, and resource management. This restoration of agency allows African nations to address unique challenges collectively and determine their own future as a unified Africa.


2. Fostering Regional Cooperation and Unity 

The withdrawal of foreign military forces promotes regional integration and cooperation, enabling African nations to work together towards shared goals. Unity among African nations will facilitate collective development, diminish divisions, and redress power imbalances, paving the way for a truly united and prosperous Africa. The Communist Party Of Africa firmly advocates for the complete withdrawal of all foreign military forces from African soil to foster the unity and self-determination of Africa as one country. By doing so, we commit to rectifying historical injustices, safeguarding African sovereignty, and promoting the unity of the continent. This objective serves as a reminder that Africa, as a united entity, has the right to determine its own destiny and shape a prosperous future for all Africans. Together, let us forge a path towards a united Africa where the continent thrives on its own working towards sustainable development, equitable resource management, and strong governance for the benefit of all Africans.

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